Sekilas tentang Numbers. Meskipun materi ini terbilang cukup mudah dan sering dijumpai, penulis senantiasa menyarankan agar tetap mempelajari materi ini seserius mungkin. Karena materi ini berhubungan dengan angka yang erat dengan kegiatan hitung-menghitung, penulis menganjurkan pula agar lebih teliti dalam mengerjakan soal-soal yang berhubungan dengan materi ini. By the way, materi ini super aplikatif sekali loh, jadi gak rugi deh kalau kalian bisa memahami materi ini.
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What is numbers?
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What is numbers?
Number is a symbol or word which represents a quantity.
How many kinds of numbers we should now?
At least, there are two kinds of numbers we need to learn in English subject:
1. Cardinal Numbers
Cardinal Number is numbers, like; 1,2,3,5, used to show quantity rather than order.
![]() |
Cardinal Number |
Ratusan : Hundred
Ribuan : Thousand
The uses of Ordinal Numbers:
Jutaan : Million
Milyaran : Billion
Triliunan : Trillion
5,000 (five thousand)
90,000 (ninety thousand)
156,700 (one hundred and fifty six thousand seven hundred)
(two hundred and nineteen million three hundred thousand one hundred and twenty five)
1,200,500,000 (one billion two hundred million five hundred thousand)
When can we use Cardinal Numbers?
1. To indicate quantity, e.g. there are twenty students in this class.
2. To show the price of things, e.g. It is five thousand rupiahs.
2. Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal Number is numbers, e.g. 1st (first), 2nd (Second), 3rd (Third), Forth (4th), and so on,
showing order in a series.
The uses of Ordinal Numbers:
1. For saying dates.
e.g. Independence day is celebrated on the Seventeenth of August.
Their anniversary is on 25th.
Their anniversary is on 25th.
2. For the name of a king or queen. In written English, Roman numerals are used. However, they
are said as ordinal numbers in spoken English.
e.g. Henry VIII (Henry the Eighth)
Louis XVI (Louis the Sixteenth) was the last king of France before the fail of the monarchy.
3. To express the century
e.g. Shakespeare was born in the 16th century
The Renaissance was a period in European history from the 14th to the 17th century.
4. To indicate a sequence/order.
e.g. Jeremy is the first student to step forward.
Nayomi got the first rank at class.
The second position of Eurovision 2019 is the Sweden.
5. Floors of a building
e.g. Welcome to the third floor.
are said as ordinal numbers in spoken English.
e.g. Henry VIII (Henry the Eighth)
Louis XVI (Louis the Sixteenth) was the last king of France before the fail of the monarchy.
3. To express the century
e.g. Shakespeare was born in the 16th century
The Renaissance was a period in European history from the 14th to the 17th century.
4. To indicate a sequence/order.
e.g. Jeremy is the first student to step forward.
Nayomi got the first rank at class.
The second position of Eurovision 2019 is the Sweden.
5. Floors of a building
e.g. Welcome to the third floor.
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