Explanation Text

Sekilas tentang Explanation Text. Pernahkah kamu bertanya? Bagaimana bumi tercipta, bagaimana hujan dan pelangi terbentuk, bagaimana manusia terlahir, dan mengapa suatu fenomena alam atau gejala sosial bisa terjadi? Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi fenomena alam dan gejala sosial yang belum bisa dijawab oleh manusia. Namun tenang saja, kita tidak akan melakukan penelitian atau hal yang rumit kok pada sesi ini. Yang kita lakukan hanyalah mengulas fenomena alam dan gejala sosial yang telah dijawab secara ilmiah dan berkaitan erat dengan Explanation Text. 

Keep on fire!

What is explanation text?
Explanation text is a text that explains about a process or sequence of phenomena. 
There are 2 types of explanation text; sequential and cause and effect.

What is the purpose of explanation text?
An explanation text is written to explain how and why something (natural or socio-cultural phenomena) in the world happen. The text contains the process or sequence of the phenomena.

The generic structures of explanation text are?
The generic structures of explanation text consists of three components.
  1. Title
  2. General statement -> Stating the phenomena or issues which are being explained.
  3. Explanation -> Stating the series of steps which explain the issues or phenomena. 
The language features of explanation text.
  1. Focusing generic participant -> an object or phenomenon which is being discussed, such as; rain, chocolate, etc. 
  2. Using present tense -> This kind of text mostly applies present tense for its sentences, such as; "rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, ......."; Chocolate starts from a tree called cacao tree, and etc. 
  3. Using chronological connectors -> The text applies chronological connectors / chronological connections / connectives, such as; first, second, third, then, after, after that, finally, so, as a consequence, and etc. 
  4. Using passive voice -> The text sometimes applies passive form, such as; "... the beans are fermented for about a week, dried under the sun, and shipped to the chocolate maker...".   
  5. Using noun, pronoun, verb, and etc. -> Like so many other text, explanation text absolutely applies a lot of nouns, pronouns (subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun, demonstrative pronoun), action verb, and etc. 
Example of explanation text.
- Explanation Text 1
Example 1

- Explanation Text 2
Example 2

- Explanation Text 3
Example 3

- Explanation Text 4
Example 4

- Explanation Text 5
Example 5

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