113 Idioms and Proverbs that you need to know!

Pernahkah kamu mendengar, apa itu idiom?
dan tahukah kamu apa itu proverb?

Yes! Idiom itu adalah ungkapan sedangkan proverb adalah peribahasa.

Menurut Oxford dictionaryidiom is a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g. over the moon, see the light), while proverb is a short, well-known pithy saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice.

About function jika dikaitkan dengan Bahasa Indonesia, idiom berfungsi sebagai analogi atau perumpamaan terhadap suatu hal (objek/situasi/dan sebagainya), contoh ungkapan dalam Bahasa Indonesia: bagai air dan api (maknanya; tidak akan pernah menyatu), bagai bumi dan langit (berbeda jauh), dan sebagainya, sedangkan fungsi dari proverb adalah untuk menyampaikan suatu maksud tertentu dan atau nasihat, contoh peribahasa: tak ada gading yang tidak retak, jinak-jinak merpati sudah dekat terbanglah dia, dsb. 

Adapun contoh dari Proverb dan Idiom dalam Bahasa Inggris antara lain:

1. A dark horse
a bit of a mystery
Kuda Hitam

2. A dream comes true
a dream that has come to reality
Mimpi menjadi nyata

3. A friend to die for
a very close friend
Sahabat sehidup semati

4. A load of rubbish / Full of hot air
Omong kosong / banyak omong / Besar uap

5. A rainy day / feeling blue
feeling unwell, mainly associated with depression or unhappiness
Sedang kurang sehat / kurang baik / galau

6. Add fuel to the fire / Add insult to injury
make a bad situation worse / make a bad situation even worse
Memperkeruh suasana

7. Against the clock
rushed and have very little time to do it

8. Alike as two peas / like peas in a pod / like two peas in a pod.
Bagai pinang dibelah dua

9. All skin and bone
Very underweight
Kering kerontang / kurus kerempeng

10. Between the rock and a hard place
In a position where you have to choose unpleasant alternatives 
Bagai memakan buah simalakama

11. Better than a stick in the eye
Isn’t very good, but it is better than nothing
Tak ada rotan, akar-pun jadi

12. Bird-brain
Otak udang

13. Bigger fish to fry
There are more important things to do
Ada urusan yang lebih penting

14. Big Nose
Excessively interested in everyone else's business.
Usil/Pengen tahu urusan orang lain/kepo

15. Bite your tongue
To prevent yourself from saying something, usually to another person, because you think saying it would negatively affect the situation
Menggigit lidah

16. Blessing in disguise
Some bad luck or misfortune ultimately results in something positive
Berkah/berkat/karunia yang tersembunyi

17. Blood, sweat, and tears
Be very difficult and will require a lot of effort and sacrifice 
Peluh keringat / darah keringat dan air mata

18. Blow your own trumpet
Boast about their talents and achievements.
Menyombongkan diri sendiri / Tinggi hati / Besar Kepala

19. Blue Blood
Berdarah biru

20. Born with a silver spoon in your mouth
Born into a rich family
Terlahir kaya

21. Break a leg
a way of wishing someone good luck
Semoga beruntung / sukses selalu

22. Brown nose
Tries to make themselves popular with somebody, usually in a position of authority, especially by flattering.
Mencari muka

23. Busy as a bee
Very busy indeed
Sibuk sekali

24. (like) Chalk and Cheese
Very different and have nothing in common
Bagai bumi dan langit

25. Chase rainbows
Try to do something that they will never achieve
Mustahil / menggenggam bulan / mengejar matahari
26. Cheap as chips / cheap at half the price
Very cheap indeed
Sangat murah / murah sekali / murahan

27. Cold fish
a person who doesn’t show how they feel.
Wajah tak berdosa / selow aja / selambe / melenggang kangkung

28. Could eat a horse
very hungry.
Sangat lapar / keroncongan

29. Country mile
a long distance
Perjalanan panjang

30. Cream of the crop
The best
Bibit unggul / Terbaik

31. Crocodile tears
Pretend to be upset or affected by something
Air mata buaya

32. Cut to the chase
Get to the point
Langsung ke pokok permasalahan / inti / terus terang

33. Dead as a dodo
lifeless and dull. The dodo was a bird that lived in the island of Mauritius. It couldn’t fly and was haunted to extinction.
Hilang dari peredaran / punah

34. Down-to-earth / Feet on the ground
Practical and realistic
Merunduk / membumi 

35. Duck soup / easy as pie / Piece of cake
very easy
Sangat mudah sekali / gempil / seperti menjentikkan jari

36. Ducks in the row

37. Dwell on the past
Thinking too much about the past
Belum berdamai dengan masa lalu / mengungkit masa lalu

38. Eleventh hour
Happens right at the last minute
detik-detik/saat-saat terakhir

39. Every trick in the book 
Try every possible way, including dishonesty and deceit, to get what you want. 
Menghalalkan segala cara

40. Fast and Furious
Happen very quickly without stopping or pausing 
Secepat kilat

41. Flesh and blood
Blood relatives, especially immediate family
Darah daging

42. Get a grip
To make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly
Menahan diri / Mengendalikan diri / emosi

43. Kill two birds with one stone.
accomplish two different things at the same time
Sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui / setali tiga uang

44. Mind the gap
an instruction used on the underground in the UK to warn passengers to be careful when leaving the tube or train as there is quite a distance between the train and the platform. 
Perhatikan jarak

45. Miss the boat
Too late to take advantage of an opportunity
Ketinggalan / tertinggal

46. Money to burn
Very rich
Kelebihan uang / Uang berlebih / Uang untuk dipakai sesukanya

47. More haste, less speed
The faster you try to do something, the more likely you are to make mistakes. 
Biar lambat asal selamat

48. Mountain to climb
Have to work hard or make a lot of progress to achieve something
Pendakian belum usai

49. Move mountains
Would make any effort to achieve your aim
Melakukan segala daya dan upaya demi satu tujuan

50. Not my cup of tea
do not like it very much
Bukan bidang saya

51. Once in a blue moon
Very rarely indeed
52. Off the top of my head
Without careful thought or investigation.
53. Open book
Easy to know what they think or how they feel about things.
Mudah menerima

54. Out of the box
Thinking in a creative way  
Berpikir kreatif

55. Out of the frying pan, into the fire
Get out of one problem, but find yourself in a worse situation
Keluar dari mulut harimau, masuk ke mulut buaya
56. Out of hand
Oot under control.
Di luar kendali     . 

57. Over the hill
reached an age at which they can longer perform as well as they used to. 
58. Over the moon
Sangat bahagia / melayang ke angkasa     

59. Past master
A person who is particularly skilled at a specified activity or art.
Pakar / Ahlinya

60. Queen bee
A woman who holds the most important position in a place
Sang ratu lebah / Pemegang kendali      
61. Raining cats and dogs
Raining very heavily
Hujan sangat lebat 

62. Short and sweet
brief but pleasant or relevant.
Singkat, padat, jelas     

63. Silent is golden / Silent is gold
Better to say nothing than to talk
Diam itu emas     
64. Something / one drives me round the bend
To annoy or frustrate one to the point of exasperation.
Sesuatu/Seseorang yang membuat kesal

65. Through thick and thin
Under all circumstances, no matter how difficult.
Susah senang bersama   

66. Under the weather / feeling rough
Feeling a bit ill, sad or lack energy
Kurang sehat 

67. Wash your hands of something
Disassociate yourself and accept no responsibility for what will happen.
Lepas tangan

68. Waste not, want not
Less likely to end up lacking
Dibuang sayang

69. Wet blanket
a person who spoils other people's fun by failing to join in with or by disapproving of their activities.
Tukang usil / Perusak kesenangan orang

70. What goes around comes around
of people do bad things to other people, bad things will happen to them
Apa yang kamu tabur, itu yang kamu tuai

71. What will be will be
Fate will decide the outcome of a course of events, even if action is taken to try to alter it. 
Apa yang terjadi, terjadilah.
72. Whatever floats your boat
Should do whatever makes you happy
Yang penting (happy) bahagia.
73. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire
When there is an indication or sign of something bad. 
Ada asap ada api / ada guada semut
74. White elephant
an expensive burden; something that costs far too much money to run. 
rentan / kemahalan
75. White lie
Lie in order not to hurt someone’s feeling
Berbohong demi kebaikan

76. White-bread
Very ordinary, safe, and boring
Biasa saja

77. Work your tail off
Work extremely hard
Kerja mati-matian

78. Writing on the wall
doomed to fail. 

79. A bad workman blames his tools.
If someone performs a job or task poorly or unsuccessfully, they will usually lay the blame on the quality of their equipment, or other such external factors, rather than take responsibility for their own failure.
Buruk rupa cermin dibelah.

80. Absence makes the heart grow fonder
When people are apart, their love grows stronger
Jauh di mata, namun dekat di hati

81. Actions speak louder than words
What people actually do is more important than what they say,  people can promise things but then fail to deliver
Apa yang kamu lakukan lebih bermakna dari sekedar kata-kata

82. A little learning is a dangerous thing
a small amount of knowledge can cause people to think they are more expert than they really are
Kesombongan timbul karena lemahnya ilmu

83. All bark and no bite
Someone who talks a lot, but does nothing to back up their words
Anjing menggonggong kafilah berlalu

84. A cat has nine lives   
Cats are remarkably Resilient
Tangguh / Selalu mujur

85. A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step
Great things start from humble beginnings
Sedikit demi sedikit lama lama menjadi bukit

86. All good things come to an end
Nothing great will last forever
Tak ada yang abadi

87. All roads lead to Rome
There can be many different ways of doing something
Banyak jalan menuju roma.

88. All that glitters is not gold
Appearances can be deceptive and things that look or sound valuable can be worthless.
Yang berkilauan tak selalu emas / jangan tertipu dengan penampilan

89. A monkey in silk is a monkey no less     
No matter how someone dresses, it's the same person underneath
manusia tetaplah manusia / jangan menilai buku dari sampulnya

90. A tree is known by its fruit  
The quality of a tree is known by the quality of the fruits borne by the tree
Buah tidak jatuh jauh dari pohonnya
91. Better late than never
Better than not doing things at all
Tak ada rotan akar pun jadi

92. Bite off more than you can chew
Take on more responsibilities than someone can manage
Besar pasak daripada tiang

93. Bite the hand that feeds you
behave badly or in an ungrateful way towards someone who they depend on
Menusuk dari belakang / pagar makan tanaman

94. Blood is thicker than water
Family relationships are stronger than others.
Keluarga lebih penting dari apapun

95. Clothes do not make the man
You cannot judge a man's character based on his clothing and appearance
Jangan menilai seseorang dari pakaiannya

96. Dancing with elephants
In a very dangerous situation
Bagai telur di ujung tanduk

97. Don’t cry over spilt milk
when something bad happens and nothing can be done to help
Nasi telah menjadi bubur
98. Don’t judge a book by the cover
Should not judge someone or something by appearance, but should look deeper at what is inside and more important
Jangan menilai buku dari sampulnya

99. Empty vessels make the most noise
Those with least wisdom or knowledge are always the most talkative
Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya

100. Every cloud has a silver lining
Always possible to get something positive out of a situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult, or even painful it might seem
Dibalik kesulitan ada kemudahan

101. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
if someone does something wrong, that person should be punished by having the same thing done to them.
Hukuman yang setimpal / nyawa harus dibalas dengan nyawa
102. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me
should learn from mistakes and not allow people to take advantage repeatedly
Jangan sampai jatuh ke lubang yang sama

103. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime     
Knowledge is more important than money / make someone independent, not dependent
Berikan seseorang ikan dan kamu memberinya makan sehari, ajarkan seseorang cara memancing dan kamu memberinya makan seumur hidup / Berikanlah seseorang pancingan / kail, bukan ikan. 

104. Give him an inch and he will take a yard
Someone who will take advantage of you if you are even a little kind to him or her
Dikasih hati minta jantung

105. It’s no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted  
Pikir dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tak berguna

106. Like father like son
a son's character or behavior can be expected to resemble that of his father.
Buah jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya  

107. No pain no gain
Suffering is necessary in order to achieve something.
Berakit-rakit ke hulu berenang-renang ke tepian
108. One good turn deserves another 
When people do something good, something good will happen to them 
Barangsiapa menanam kebaikan, dia akan menuai kebaikan

109. Opportunity knocks but once
Get only one chance to achieve what you really want to do
Kesempatan tidak datang dua kali

110. Practice makes perfect
The regular exercise of an activity or skill is the way to become proficient in it
Ala bisa karena biasa

111. United we stand, divided we fall
If people really want to do something, they will manage to find a way of doing it.
Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh

112. When in Rome, do as the Romans
When you are visiting a different place or culture, you should try to follow their customs and practices. 
Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung

113. Where there’s a will, there’s a way
If people really want to do something, they will manage to find a way of doing it.
Jika ada kemauan, pasti ada jalan

Jadi, bagaimana perasaan kamu setelah membaca informasi diatas?
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